Landscape Design

You would never start building a house without a detailed plan and a clear vision for the end results and we believe that it is the same with outdoor areas.

Outscape offers a full-service landscape design package that combines technology and experience to accurately show you how your space will look and function in 2D and 3D modelling.

Initial Consultation

Our initial consultation is an informal discussion around your vision and requirements for the project.

From there, we will prepare a design proposal that outlines the costs involved with proceeding to the next stage of design.

Concept Discussion Meeting

Our concept discussion meeting forms the foundation to our design process.

Here we delve deeper into your ideal outcomes and requirements. We will discuss different layouts, planting palettes & hardscape products, working collaboratively with you to create your own unique style.

Concept Design

Based on our previous discussion meeting our Concept Design stage is where we start piecing together all the information to create your first draft concepts.

In some instances, these may be hand-drawn sketches used to indicate where we are headed with the design.

This is our halfway mark and is a very important stage for us to gather crucial feedback prior to pushing on to the final design.

Landscape Design

After completion of the conceptual stage we will have everything we need to complete modeling your landscape design.

We use software that enables us to build your landscape from our office.  We model our designs in 3D allowing us to input the correct contours from around your property, resulting in a far more efficient and accurate outcome.

Feedback and Consultation

We present our landscape designs in person to carefully discuss the intentions in depth to ensure your vision and our plans are aligned.

After the presentation we will give you some time to digest the information, then we discuss your thoughts, feedback and collectively work together to produce a final design and budget.

Construction Documentation

Upon acceptance of your new design, we can then produce high-level working drawings on request.  These are often used for council approvals and engineering requirements.


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