Landscape Construction
Outscape has a highly skilled construction team ready to turn your design into a reality. Driven by quality, our team of landscaping professionals are passionate about their work and takes pride in delivering high-quality finishes.
Our construction teams have been carefully selected to ensure the effectiveness of the project. We understand that the construction process can be quite intrusive, but we seek to minimise this by being efficient, and professional, keeping worksites clean, whilst always being mindful that they are working within your personal living space.
A landscaping team consists of the following:
Construction Manager – This is your immediate point of contact with the day-to-day running of the project, similar to a building company, our construction managers are responsible for scheduling, productivity and quality control of the project.
Site Supervisor – This is the person running production on site, ensuring that materials are ordered and the general management of the project, ensuring the team is on track.
Landscapers – This team oversees the hands-on construction of your project, they are multi-skilled and can perform all the tasks outlined within the project.